zie link Groenendaeler reu 2 jaar oud voor herplaatsing!
Young Dog Day BHCN
1Exc classe 18-24 mnd terv. males Notorious oDB
1VG classe 9-12 mnd terv.males Gypsy oDB
2Exc classe 9-12 mnd terv. females Little Lies oDB
Showresults Zwolle
06.04.2019 (Tom Roozen)
Terv male Intermediate class 1Exc Notorious oDB
Terv female Youth class 1Exc Youth CAC Little Lies oDB
Terv Female Open class 1Exc RCAC/RCACIB Twisted Logic oDB
07.04.2019 (Pauline Koning Stern-Hanf)
Terv male Intermediate class 1Exc Notorious oDB
Terv female Youth class 1VG Little Lies oDB
Terv Female Open class 1Exc RCAC/RCACIB Twisted Logic oDB
George Michael Litter born!
In the night 19 to 20 March the puppies of Siyah were born, 4 males and 4 females!
check them out here
Show Groningen results
Girls on Film of Dark Brightness aka Bear toot CAC/CACIB/BOS in Open Class Tervueren females! Congrats Mirjam and Dave!!
Twisted Logic oDB winning CAC/CACIB/BOS in Amsterdam Holland Cup
Limit winning best female at the Holland Cup Amsterdam
Xolid Bouncer of Dark Brightness number 1 Belgian Obedience 2018!
and also he got the following title this year by finishing all needed Obedience titles..
He has earned CD, CDX, UD, OTCH, OTCHx, MOTCH but all these are prerequisites to compete for GMOTCH, so once you have GMOTCH, you just use those initials and everyone knows you have all the other titles.
And now he bacame top Belgian for Obedience 2018 also in Canada..
Officially he is named:
CH & GMOTCH Xolid Bouncer of Dark Brightness IPO1, TD
CH = show champion Canada
= Grand Master Obedience Trial Champion TD = Tracking Dog
so proud of owner Hilary and her lovely Bouncer!!
Happening 2018
NVBH Happening 2018
Best young male and BOB 12-18 months ‘Notorious of Dark Brightness’
Best young female BOS 12-18 months ’the Reflex of Dark Brightness’
Easy to PLease of Dark Brightness and her sister
Twisted Logic of Dark Brightness succeeded the mentaltest social+
HD/ED results
Twisted Logic oDB and Zuperb Gossip oDB both HD-A and ED-0 (free) HAPPY!
new pictures puppies at 4 wks
see here