George Michael-litter

BORN (4:4) Groenendael puppies 19th of March 2019
George Michael-litter

IMG_8635 1836657_804688809620481_4996141522067999845_o 23509277_1662469057109654_2965502127717136172_o Jet Black Joke1 w

Zuperb Gossip of Dark Brightness (Siyah) Agi3, HD-A/ED-0  versus Ch. Jet Black Joke (Joey) UPR3, HD-A, ED-0

Found the male for Siyah.. She needs substance and stronger bones in a partner and coat! And… I do not want to loose ANY character or will to please, that I brought into her lines with her father Orlando. She’s out of a Workingmale and Showfemale.. And work is her middle name! Very high drive in agility (like her brother and sister!) Joey is also a worker, clownish as the owner says, is what I like, but beside his workingdrive and will to please, he also is a great looker, has the most beautiful headlines and has this attitude I like and wish for in a dog.. I hope we will have allround puppies with very high drive.

NOTE: Puppies worden in het nest al getitert ipv klakkeloos gevaccineerd en worden gevoerd met vers vlees..

Just one male or female available..
the gender will be known when they are chosen at the age of 5-6 weeks

07.01.2019 Siyah in heat
18.01.2019 mated to Joe very easily
25-02-2019 confirmed pregnancy by ultrasound!
17.03.2019 very big belly
19.03.2019 4 males and 4 females born, all healthy, alive and kicking!
names on the pedigree will be:



Joey kop zij fb 25299990_1692663444090215_7592029838155133647_o 26063471_1710031892353370_4134400609065323013_o 26063592_1710029769020249_3555892472742173203_o

14632834_1136226659792545_1615835789112055333_n 15542055_1048407665286260_8822366702358809617_n

Ch. Jet Black Joke HD-A, ED-0 CH. Toby Comme un Reve Noir HD-A CH. Greco Comme un Reve Noir HD-A
Buffy du Pré du Vieux Pont
CH, Tempranillo Forbidden Dreams HD-A Ch. Lucku Luke Polaris
Zuperb Gossip of Dark Brightness, HD-A, ED-0 Face Orlando Noma v.’t Wolfshome IPO2, HD-A Sennang HD-A
Sergeant Dana HD-A
CH. Original Yazoo of Dark Brightness HD-A, ED-0 Ulius du Clos des Agapornis HD-A
CH.Wicked Breeze of Dark Brightness HD-A

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