see here
Auteur: Angèl
Up in Flames oDB mated and confirmed pregnant
Original Yazoo passed away
Sad news, sweet Multi Ch. Original Yazoo oDB passed away May 26Th 2021.
she way a great joy…
Tervueren puppies BORN
on the 21th of November the Hall & Oats litter was born.. 5 boys and 3 girls..
all sold sorry!
Hall & Oats-litter in the making! Mating done today
Name Litter will be Hall & Oats
Littername is known.. all puppies will get a songtitle of this band.
got to litter page HERE
Winter 2020 Tervuerenpuppies expected!
NVBH Happening 2019
Young dog day 06.10.2019
Groenendaelmale best in class and BOB Groenendael puppy
Father Figure of Dark Brightness
2nd in same class
One more Try of Dark Brightness
Groenendaelfemale best in class and BOS puppy Groenendael
Fastlove of Dark Brightness
26 Mei 2019 results NVBH Specialty
1Exc BEST VETERAN IN SHOW ‘Ch. Unique Tease of Dark Brightness’
2Exc Breedersclass ‘Twisted Logic of Dark Brightness’
3Exc Open Class ‘Up in Flames of Dark Brightness’
2Exc Breedersclass ‘Notorious of Dark Brightness’
Nieuwe Herplaatser, Groenendaeler reu 2 jaar oud
zie link Groenendaeler reu 2 jaar oud voor herplaatsing!